Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know many of you partied and stayed up to 'ring' in the New Year. I was in bed sound asleep by 10pm. And let me tell you it felt great. That was the first night in 11 nights that I went to bed pain free, and it was on the eve of birthing a New Year. Many great things are expected in 2009. I've heard many political predictions, religious predictions/messages, but my personal message of 2009 to me is ...

"Live life to the fullest without regret, without hesitation, full of vigor, vitality and a strong vision of accomplishing the personal goals I have set for 2009! They are my goals and no one else can accomplish them for me, it's my turn, it's my year, it's my destiny!"

What are your goals, your steps set out to accomplish your vision and destiny for 2009? I'd love to hear about them! Happy New Year... it's gonna be a great one!

I am BACK!

Happy New Year! I have another posting to put out soon, but I just had to celebrate! I feel Great! 2009 has started and I am 100%! That was something I wanted and I got!
Look out 2009, here I come!